HPCS310 Cheap Price Portable Light Spectrometer CCT CRI Meter Lux Test


45 in stock

SKU: 3256806846417270 Category:

Product Description

HPCS310 Wireless Spectral irradiance colorimeter, integrated spectrum, CCT, CRI, Lux, etc. parameters in one. Use with Pc software, Real-time display of measurement parameters and curves .  Measure LED wide spectrum light source , CFL, and HID narrow spectrum light source..



CCT(K) illuminance(lx) Candlelight(fc) Duv
CIE1931 Coordinate x,y
CIE1960 Coordinate u,v
CIE1976 Coordinate u’,v’
CRI (Ra) R1-R15 SDCM
Red ratio(%) Green ratio(%) Blue ratio(%)
Color Tolerance Elliptic graph
Peak wave(nm) Purity%)
CRI circular graph
Half width(nm) S/P
Spectral Power Distribution
Central wave(nm) Centroid (nm)

Warranty: 1 year